A Change for the Better? Read online

Page 5

  “Oops sorry” she exclaimed through a mouthful of crumbs “I didn’t see any of you here, but to be fair my attention was focused elsewhere.” Poppy admitted with complete honesty “but I know for sure” she continued “that none of you live here so why are you here?” Poppy’s bluntness although sometimes a bit of a surprise could never be offensive as it was always delivered with such childish naivety everyone just knew she wasn’t been rude. Somehow she had never lost that childlike way of asking whatever was in her head the minute she thought of it.

  Katie made the necessary introductions and left them all chatting as simultaneous knocks at the front and back doors left Katie trying to go in two directions at once. Seeing her dilemma, Ben jumped up to see to the back door which could only be the Clacketts, leaving Katie to go and meet the only house guests she hadn’t met so far.

  On opening the hall door Katie was met by two beaming faces who introduced each other, rather like news-readers on a breakfast TV show and they were every bit as polished too!

  “Hi, this is Bradley” beamed the girl clearly extremely proud of Bradley and certain that everyone else would be

  “And this is Tamsin” Bradley returned indulgently “and you must be Katie, it’s so nice to finally meet, we’ve heard so much about you, haven’t we Tams?” Bradley looked to Tamsin to take up the narrative which she was clearly used to doing.

  “Oh absolutely, all good, mind. Mo loved telling us all about you and Poppy’s taken over that duty since Mo’s been in hospital. She thinks you’re ‘pretty cool’ which believe me is a ringing endorsement.”

  “Well, that’s lovely” Katie replied, a little overwhelmed by the double assault, “Do come in, it’s lovely to meet you both.”

  “Oh thanks” they replied in unison, and stepped through the door presenting her with a bottle of wine for everyone and another present ‘only for you’ as Tamsin put it. It was a handmade carving in the shape of a love knot and polished so it was smooth and a pleasure to touch.

  “It was made by an ancient tribe in Africa, it brings good fortune to those who touch it - is that right Brad?” Tamsin referred to her husband

  “Well, yes - actually it’s a blessing it gives, but that’s supposed to bring good fortune I suppose.”

  “It’s absolutely beautiful and extremely kind of you” Katie answered, she was quite touched by the gesture from this bouncy couple who she had only just met. As she followed them back into the now fairly crowded kitchen she took her opportunity to have a proper look at the Dixons. She had formed an idea in her head from Mo’s notes about vegetarians and good causes that they would be very earnest people in hand knitted sweaters and beards (well Bradley anyway!) but they were very smartly dressed, Next more than Armani and clean shaven (Bradley again) and although they were obviously committed to their causes almost as much as to each other they didn’t appear to be at all preachy. Although Tamsin did tell her later ’just tell me to shut up when I start banging on about something, I tend to get on my soapbox and don’t get off until someone shoves me!’

  It turned out that Cliona knew Tamsin quite well they had sat on some fair trade craft committees in recent years. Tamsin was an administration manager for a fair trade charity in Rawlinston and Bradley was a lawyer for a national children’s charity’s regional office. Katie was impressed and bemused at the same time that he had decided to earn a significantly smaller income working for a charity than he could have in business and before she could stop herself a question popped out,

  “But Bradley surely if you worked in a law firm you could work for yourself and your charity and have more money to donate?” There was a small gap in the conversations around the kitchen. “I’m sorry” Katie realised she might have over stepped the mark, “I didn’t mean to be rude, I was just wondering what motivates you.”

  Bradley didn’t seem to have taken any offence, perhaps it was a question he was used to being asked a lot. “It’s easy really, I trained to be a lawyer so I could make a difference, and I tried working in a practice with the intention of doing work for charities who needed it on the side, but it was always a conflict and the paying customer won. It became so frustrating that when the opportunity arose to work full time for a charity I believed in, it was an easy decision to make. Plus, I knew it was right as the second day in the job I met Tamsin.” he gave his wife a playful hug and the conversation fell back to more everyday topics.

  Katie found it difficult to shake Bradley’s reply out of her head. She had known so many lawyers and barristers in London, they would all happily cough up for tickets to charity balls that it was necessary to be seen at or bid for memorabilia in auction in aid of a good cause, but she couldn’t think of one, not even Marcus, who would have given up their potential earnings to help one. Just as she was pondering this conundrum Poppy appeared back in the kitchen with Guy Chambers at her side.

  “I just went up to get him - I knew he’d forget otherwise!” Poppy emphasised the word ’forget’ as if to imply he had chosen to forget rather than actually forgotten. By the uncomfortable look on his face it was likely she was right.

  “Well Guy, it’s nice you could make it.” Katie said in her best soothing hostess voice “let me get you a drink and something to eat.”

  Poppy rolled her eyes “I wouldn’t worry about it Katie, he’s like all techies, he exists on fresh air and plugs himself into the internet to keep going.” Guy gave a stern look in Poppy’s direction suggesting he wasn’t amused and replied with gravity to Katie,

  “Actually I’d like something to eat, it’s just I get a bit carried away when I’m working, lose track of time.” Guy followed Katie towards the table and started to help himself to a large plateful of food and then retreated to the farthest corner of the kitchen so that he didn’t have to actually speak to anybody. Katie felt it was her duty as the host to help him overcome this obviously crippling social shyness.

  “So Guy, what is it you’re working on at the moment that keeps you so engrossed?”

  “Well, I don’t think you’d understand - not to be rude or anything.” he replied being exactly that!

  “Well, just give me the layman’s version then. What will it do when it’s finished?” Katie encouraged him.

  “It’s a way of storing data and systems differently so that it reduces the capacity needed and therefore reduces the amount of hard disk space required.” Guy answered with little hope of being understood.

  “Oh I see and what’s the practical application for this?” Katie had slotted into her perfect PA role in no time and she tilted an enquiring and interested face to Guy, who it appeared, was no less susceptible to an interested audience than any other man Katie ever had met.

  Guy launched into a speech full of jargon and probably made up words as he explained his brilliant idea. Katie held an interested look on her face as best she could whilst assessing what food and drinks needed replenishing until he had finished with a flourish and a couple more seven syllable words.

  “So” she pondered “do you have anyone interested in this project?”

  “Yes quite a few” Guy boasted “in fact, I’ve got meetings with a couple of big names in the next few weeks.” Katie smiled warmly at Guy and reflected that actually he was quite a good-looking man in that pale and interesting way. He could be worth a bit of effort as he was obviously going places. Just goes to show, Katie thought, you really shouldn’t judge people on first impressions. Just as she was reflecting on this Poppy shouted over

  “What do you think Katie? Do you agree with this lot?” Poppy grabbed Katie’s attention and she looked over to where Cliona, Declan and Ben were talking with Poppy.

  “I’m sorry Poppy, what was that then?” Katie attempted to saunter over nonchalantly but ruined the impression by tripping over the table leg and spilling wine down herself.

  Poppy explained she had been complaining about a guy at college, Miles, who was on her course and was always teasing her, shoving her, disagreeing with her
opinion and generally been a pain in the backside. She thought he was out to sabotage her course as he obviously saw her as a threat. Cliona, Declan and Ben all agreed he fancied her.

  “So” Poppy prompted “do you agree with them?”

  “Oh absolutely Popps, it’s a classic case I’m afraid.” Katie laughed and winked at Cliona who took up her cue,

  “It’s like when you were at primary school Poppy, the boys had no idea what to do when they liked a girl, so just to get their attention they would trip them up or pull their pigtails. This Miles sounds just the same, he’s just too scared to ask you out. I’m right aren’t I Ben?”

  Ben smiled ruefully “Unfortunately you are, my sex is an unimaginative lot and any attention is better than none.”

  Poppy seemed nonplussed by this new angle on her problem and retreated to the kitchen table to get another slice of coffee cake.

  “I think she’s reassessing her opinion of Miles at the moment” Katie whispered

  “Hmmm,” Ben replied “and are you reassessing your opinion of the IT geek. Does he have a fascinating line in small talk?” Declan looked up sharply at this, it was unlike his friend to be pointed and mean about someone, he was usually generous in his opinions until proven otherwise.

  “Well, actually, if you must know, he’s invented some technological advance that’s going to change the face of the whole IT industry. He’s meeting with some big names in London next week.” Katie ad-libbed haughtily to Ben’s barbed comment and was rewarded by seeing Ben’s face fall.

  “Oh right, well he must be a bright guy then.” Ben replied a tad more graciously.

  “Yes, Guy is a bright, erm, guy” Katie couldn’t help laughing as she said it and Ben did too.

  The get-together was in full swing and everyone chatted, drank and ate. At eight o’clock a breathless and very agitated Hermione appeared at the door.

  “Oh my dear” Mary Clackett clucked, as she saw her on the threshold clutching her hands to her breast. “What on earth’s the matter? Come and sit down. Ken, get Hermione a drink at once, no you silly man, not water, a glass of wine to calm her nerves.” As Ken was dispatched and returned triumphant with a glass of Chardonnay, they all gathered round as Mary urged Hermione to tell them what the problem was.

  “Well, it’s probably a bit silly” Hermione started hesitantly with so many faces around her “but I just don’t know what to do.” As everyone still seemed interested Hermione decided to carry on “You see I’m the chair of the spring fair committee, as you know, Cliona” Cliona nodded as she was also on the committee representing the crafts people invited to attend “And” Hermione continued “we need to have our first full meeting in a fortnight and I’ve no idea where I’m going to find space for fifteen people.”

  “Well don’t we usually use the function room at the back of the pub?” Cliona chipped in.

  “Yes, yes” Hermione replied, nodding vigorously “and I’d booked it but Vera Latham, the landlady, has phoned to say they’ve found rot or worms or something in the beams and they’ve closed the room off. It might take three months before it’s in use again. I’ve spent the last two hours trying to think of somewhere, but everywhere’s too small or too far away.” Hermione was almost wailing now.

  “How about your flat?” Poppy interjected helpfully. Hermione shook her head

  “I don’t know where I’d put everyone. I did a plan and I could fit ten in at most, and then there’s no room for plans or a flipchart - oh God I’m going to be a failure before I’ve even started.” Hermione’s big blue eyes welled with tears, this was clearly extremely important to her so that everyone in the flat wanted to help. They all pondered for a few minutes until Mary exclaimed,

  “But of course, the answer’s right in front of us all along. It’ll be perfect.” They all looked at her expectantly until Declan asked

  “What’ll be perfect Mary?”

  “The old drawing room of course, across the hall, it’s huge in there, it’ll fit more than fifteen and as many flappy charts as you like.”

  Katie was somewhat taken aback at this turn of events and watched as the whole circle of people turned to look at her.

  “Well, I don’t know” she started tentatively, “I mean I don’t mind, but the room hasn’t been used for years. I’ve no idea what state it’s in and it was always bloody freezing in there to be frank.”

  Ben jumped up from his stool “Well let’s go take a look then.” Everyone, sensing an expedition, jumped up and followed Ben out of Mo’s flat and across the hall to the drawing room. As Ben opened the door a blast of cold air hit them in the face and they all immediately huddled together as they piled through the entrance and viewed the potential meeting room.

  “It’s certainly big enough” Ben commented

  “It’s a little on the chilly side” Declan added a touch sarcastically.

  “We could sort that out, a new radiator or two; check the pipe work - maybe open up the fireplace.” Ben added.

  “It’s a bit shabby though” Poppy said as she broke cover from the group to view the wallpaper a bit more closely.

  “A coat of paint” Ben answered, assuming the role of Project Manager.

  “What about the sofa and chairs?” Declan asked “they’ve definitely seen better days.”

  “Once we get some heat in here, the edge will go off them” Ben responded, refusing to find an insurmountable problem.

  “Yes, and we could put a few throws on them, a cloth on the table if it doesn’t polish up.” Cliona added

  “I could give you a few prints from college to stick on the walls if you wanted” Poppy said as they all began to get swept up in the idea. Katie looked at them all suddenly so excited by the project. She didn’t want to pour cold water on it but reality had to be addressed

  “Look everyone” she started quietly “it’s a lovely idea but it sounds very expensive to do all that and I don’t really.” she tailed off not wanting to reveal she was stony broke.

  “Honestly, it won’t cost a lot” Ben answered “I’ll call in a few favours for the plumbing and fireplace, could you stump up for the paint?”

  “Well yes, I should think so” Katie was still feeling a bit railroaded.

  “Great, that’s settled then. Hermione, you now have a beautiful Victorian drawing room for the first meeting of the Spring Fayre committee.” Ben grandly swept his arm across the room. As they all surveyed the rather lack lustre and freezing cold room they burst out laughing and quickly adjourned to Mo’s kitchen with the heat from the range, and copious amounts of food and drink. They happily talked on about what they could do to help with the conversion of the drawing room. Bradley and Tamsin would bring some spare chairs and a flip chart from their office, Poppy would bring the prints and some scented candles. Cliona would organise throws and Declan said he would bring some old cups and saucers and plates so they could all have a cuppa at the same time. Hermione gasped

  “Oh refreshments! I’d forgotten about them. I’ll just have to do them upstairs and bring them down.”

  “Nonsense” Cliona answered robustly, “Katie can do them, she’s obviously got the knack” as she spoke she pointed to the huge kitchen table as every scrap of food had been eaten.

  “Oh would you? I’d be so grateful” As Hermione turned her big blue eyes towards her; Katie knew she was cornered, well and truly caught.

  “Of course I will, I’d be delighted,” she answered, whilst simultaneously she slipped round the back of the chair giving Cliona a sly dink on the way.

  The get-together began to peter out soon after, the Clacketts returning to their flat and the Dixons heading off to finish some work from the office. Poppy bounded out shortly after and Guy took his opportunity to leave then too. Katie walked him to the door and thanked him for coming. Ben watched and muttered to Declan,

  “I don’t know why she’s being so nice to him; he’s the only one who didn’t offer to do anything - miserable sod.”

ell, to be fair, there wasn’t much call for an IT expert” Declan offered.

  “He could have offered to pick up a paint brush. What’s Katie being all nice to him for?” Ben said, refusing to acknowledge Declan’s point.

  “He’s a guest in her house - what do you want her to do? Shove him out and slam the door in his face.” Declan laughed. Ben’s face suggested that actually he might want her to do just that, but he settled for saying

  “I just think she’s going over the top, she irritates me when she’s like that, she did when she was nine too. It makes me want to ….”

  “Pull her pigtails?” Declan cut in with as straight a face as he could manage. Ben put his drink down.

  “I think I’ll be going now Dec” he said as he left. Declan was still chuckling to himself ten minutes later when Cliona returned from the Clacketts and suggested they too made a move home.


  Ben arrived at work early the next day. It was one of those clear, dark, winter mornings. There was a heavy layer of white frost over everything, so thick it almost looked like snow. Ben opened up the office, flicked on the lights and the heaters straight away. He still got a frisson of excitement in his stomach when he entered his office, almost as strong as the first day he had opened it when he had properly started BW construction after four years being a self-employed builder. It had been a gamble almost six years ago, but now it was a successful small business with a good reputation and a plan to grow even more.

  Ben loved Friday mornings, they always had a staff meeting to review the week’s progress and discuss requirements for the following week. There were only four of them, as well as Ben, there was John, BW’s site manager, Charlie, a carpenter and a friend of Ben’s from building college and lastly Jean, the matronly lady who looked after all the office paperwork for the company and was an absolute godsend. She had come from another building firm that had gone bust so she knew all the rules and regulations of the game and was a stickler for seeing they were adhered to. This was why Ben had hired her; his business was to be strictly above board, no dodgy dealings on his patch, that and she frightened the life out of him so he wouldn’t have dared not offer her the job. But, over the years he had found that actually, she was a softie at heart and loyal to a fault.